JG-Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -'We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Apparently not everyone has the 'clue' you expect them to.
Anyone that's going to buy one of these puppies is going to have a clue about putting their password in.You apparently missed the recent thread on NANOG where this guy was askingfor some help with 'Default Passwords for World Wide Packets/Lightning EdgeEquipment'. Maybe they should look here at all the entries for 'default credentials': Roland, this isn't the home wi-fi market we're talking about. On Wed, at 7:19 PM, Dobbins, Roland wrote: Which goes to show that they just really don't get it when it comes to security. Servers but, to be honest, inthis thread you're really beating a dead horse.-Joe-Joe Hamelin, W7COM, Tulalip, WA, 36. World Wide Packets Lightning Edge 46 Manualidades De Trust me, the shop I'm working forisn't that way, not with the size of the roll-out we're doing (25k+switches.)I liked what you said about firewalls vs. BTW: You have to be on the console or themanagement port on them to use the default password (ok, you could geton the right VLAN too.) Problem solved, except for those cases wherethe operator is a total idiot. Anyonethat's going to buy one of these puppies is going to have a clue aboutputting their password in. Maybe they should look here at all the entries for 'default credentials':Roland, this isn't the home wi-fi market we're talking about. World Wide Packets Lightning Edge 46 Manualidades Gratis.World Wide Packets Lightning Edge 46 Manualidades 2.World Wide Packets Lightning Edge 46 Manualidades De.